Forensic Medicine, A STATE SUBJECT is introduced in the third year of medical studies. The subject is associated with the laws governing the practice of medicine and the maintenance of ethical standards as a professional. The subject also plays a vital role in training medical students in relation to medico legal aspects of trauma and death, which will help them to conduct the medico legal work and serve the legal system in future. AnotherAnother subsidiary of this department deals with the study of poisons, and we train them in medico legal certification, diagnosing cases of poisoning as well as How to proceed with the treatment or evidence collection in such cases.
The vision of the department is to make it a state of the art medico legal center which will initially train, Educate the undergraduate (third year students) and letters on Postgraduate. Since the HOD has been members of the superior medico legal board and resource person for the training of district medico legal surgeons and CMO etc, if the government agrees training can be imparted to the doctor of district Narowal.
The Faculty consisted of one Professor and one Assistant Professor.